
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Class of 65 Stage Reunion at Cleobury Mortimer Golf Club.

David Partridge blogged on Facebook just now  -

" Nine members of the class of '65 celebrated their release from captivity on Monday and Tuesday this week. All kindly arranged by Terry Hobson we stayed overnight at the Cleobury Mortimer Golf Club where Mr and Mrs Place, Chopping and Lovatt joined us for a most convivial dinner dinner before the nine of us and seven wives retired for the night to our on-site lodges.On Tuesday morning we were shown round the old school and the new additions by a member of the Pioneer Centre's staff finishing with refreshments and a chance to look through their archive of school photographs and cuttings.
A terrific time catching up with old friends and introducing many of the wives to the school for the first time. We all looking forward to the next reunion in a few years time."

Staff from left to right in front row - I'm sure you'll all know -
Dyllis and Gordon Place, Jim Lovatt and his wife (in reverse order of course)
and Judith and Mick Chopping.

left to right - Keith Wallis, Jim Lovatt, Roger Andrew and wife.

Chris Applebey (Mr Pip Pip) wrote " Great to see Jim Lovatt looking so fit. My housemaster and a really good teacher. I had him for English, Music and "Divinity" at one time or another. I remember having to attend a choir practice once. We sang and he walked along the row, listening to us. When he reached me, he paused, shook my hand and said "Thank you" then indicated the door."

JAK Thomas, Terry Hobson, John Deacon

Colin Eades, David Partridge, Graham Baker.

In the outdoors group photo, from left are Keith Wallis, Roger Andrew, David Partridge,
Colin Eades, Graham Baker, Dave Hayden, John Deacon, Terry Hobson and JAK Thomas.