Prompted by Rosemary Webb-Rehill's possible visit to Cleobury July 2013 (she now lives in the USA), Keith Ison has proposed a possible reunion in Cleobury -
Keith's message is - " There is a possible reunion next 7th July 2013 date to be confirmed, all depending on what interest is shown by the old pupils. Rosemary is coming over in July but she is not sure of the date just yet"
Although it's a year away, Keith is trying to gauge possible interest. If you to express interest, contact Keith Ison via the school Facebook page
If you are not on Facebook, leave a message or e mail on here.
Photo from Dave Meacham -
"Mr Thorne's funeral, (Neen Savage) we only found out about the service the day before, but made it there. from left, Tony Booton, Mr McCarthy, Simon (the original Buz) Hull, Dave Meacham (Bubble) Dave Irish, Martin Flynn, Gordon Place (Duff to some & Clough to others) Gaz Marks (Fat Gaz), Not sure? Ed Meacham (Ed the Fed) (?) Pete Stacey, Mick Breslin (Brez) & Paul Doyle (Harry) Not sure who man in grey suite is ? If anyone recognises him, let me know. Picture taken at Neen Savage Church
This would be c 1997 I think - in or around that time.
I remember my Mum showing me the cutting from the Coventry Evening Telegraph not long after I left Cleobury. It was quite a shock and tears welled in my eyes. Stephen was only 16 years old, had left Cleobury only 14 days beforehand, had just signed his indentures as an apprentice dental technician. He was on his way home from his first day at work on his scooter.
Stephen was one of the good guys, one of the best. I can't think of anyone who didn't like him. He was intelligent, fun, easy going and no trouble to pupil or master. I never knew him to bully or chide, a really decent guy of the kind the world could do with more of. It wasn't to be, but I think all those who knew him at school will join me in paying tribute to Stephen on this special place for the school. This was one good guy with a world of potential.
His older brother, John Tearse, equally popular and a former pupil at the school (whom some of you clearly remember), has kindly sent some photos of, or belonging to Stephen to share on this site and thanks go to Peter Melhuish, who, by contributing the cutting, prompted this post.
There are also a couple of items relating to the school from John Tearse towards the bottom of this post.
Remembering Stephen Tearse
Stephen Tearse with his woodwork produce c 1967
Stephen with the snooker cue in the New Block
The young Stephen
Remember the letters home each week on headed paper? Stephen was 11 and had just started his first year at the school and was coming up to the end of the first term, looking forward to Christmas (as we all were). The next term would see the huge snowdrifts that dwarfed most of us first years. Stephen was clearly a bright lad who knew it and made the Upper Stream but with the self-awareness to add the line "I hope you don't think I'm bragging". How cool is that for one so young and typical of how well balanced Stephen was in dealing with others. I never knew him to look down on people.
John has asked if anyone knows what part of the school this is. I think it's the steps up to the coffee bar (which would have been the old science lad in John's time), which means it would have been early 1967. Am I right?
Stephen in the middle with others on a school trip. Can any one say which trip and who else. I seem there's Rowsell and McCann on the right but not sure. Possibly 1966 / 67 ish. Sarah Williams thinks this is the Clyde trip and there are more pictures of that trip on this blog - see the index.
Comment from Chris (Pip) Applebey
"I am on the right of the picture, and I think it is Alec Hudson between me and Steve. Can't remember the other two kids but I think one may have been Simon Armstrong. This was in the first week of the school holidays 1967, shortly before Stephen died. We stayed on when school finished for a few days before Mr Parker drove us north in his car. How we all got in is a mystery. It was a fantastic experience for all of us. He arranged to get us a guided tour of a submarine - his navy connections no doubt. I think this photo was taken either at Helensburgh, or Rothesay. We all got to have a go at steering the boat - not just five minutes under supervision, but full responsibility. Stephen was fantastic company, always smiling, always positive. What a loss. Christopher (Pip) Applebey
GCE woodwork piece
Stephen was good at woodwork and John Tearse adds
"Our Dad was a master Cabinet Maker so Steve must have inherited some of his skills. Unfortunately it passed me by."
John still has Stephen's GCE work made in Gordon Place's class.
Excellent dovetail joints
This is from 1958 when John Tearse joined the school. Mr Morris was headmaster. It wasn't only Mr Thorn who used the phrase 'May I remind you' then!
Letter to the parents! 1958
Clearly the format of the school report changed by the time stephen started the school in 1962, possibly as result of the new headmaster, Mr Rowland. Note that English, maths and science are broken down into elements more so than later on. March 1959.
Stephen left school summer 1967 while Sergeant Pepper was riding high in the LP charts.
Stephen is remembered
With A little Help from His Friends
And some more photos from Stephen's collection
Stephen Tearse - prep room / study new block
Stephen 1965
New block dorms
Frankie Fasulo? / Stephen Tearse
In this photo - Mick Lovatt? Hudson? Dean Revell?
Alan Packham? Frankie Dutton - Can anyone be more precise? Photo A
Frankie Dutton, Mick Lovatt, Charles Joyce (top row)
Frankie Fasulo? Peter Wan, Ian Woolridge? Bottom Row
Can anyone be more precise - Photo B
Not sure where or who this is.
Sarah Williams thinks the location is Stokesay Castle, near Ludlow