
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SS Uganda - School Trip

Dill Holmes contributed this photo via the Facebook page. There are more phtos of this trip if you look through the Index on here.

SS Uganda docked at Malaga 1969-1970?

Liverpool to Lisbon to Malaga to Tangiers to LaRochelle then think it was Southampton.

David Stuart Think you are right - 1970. I remember Chris Green nearly through me overboard because I fixed his deckchair to collapse and he trapped his finger in it!

Dill Holmes I know I went on the trip because I have the pictures to prove it, but I am buggered if I can remember which students or teachers went on it with me!

Nigel Tuckey I was on another one in December 71. We flew and toured around Venice before the ship left for Athens, Rhodes, Haifa, for Jerusalem & Bethlehem, and back to Venice.

Adrian Rosenlund Hudson There was also one in the late 70's, which i couldn't go on, but Jon Steane did.

Jon Andrew Steane Yes I did go on one, but it was March 1980, started in Yugoslavia, and went to Cyprus, Turkey, Santorini, Crete and finished up in Venice. George and Mrs. Parker went along to keep us under control. Now if I remember correctly there was Mark Babb, Mark Shekespear, Rob Wood and Aubrey Wood, Mark Watson and Dean Watson, plus two more whose names escape me. Oh yes and I remember Sally Watson, not from the school but from Alcester. And I wonder if one of the other guys (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) remebers Mandy Bond?

Mark Shakespeare I remember that as well. Got us away from School for a while. if i am correct, we also went to Egypt. We docked in Alexandria and visited Cairo and saw the pyramids.

John Billing no, but I have vague memories of canooing down the Wye...

Stuart McDonald John, canoeing down the Wye was the only trip I recall. Fishy Place ran it and I think Grubby Mush Harper was the other staff member on the trip. I was in a canoe with Phil Stevenson.

Some photos from Coventry archives.


  1. I went on same one Mark S, we couldn't get into create cos of the weather. I got a girlfiend from a all girls school lol things we remember. Ss Uganda was a legendary ship, happy memories😁Paul Stevens
