Saturday, July 30, 2011

Clee Hill

On a Saturday we would be allowed to miss lunch and take a packed lunch instead so we could spend the day exploring the area around the school via walking, cycling or Midland Red bus. We'd have to be back for tea at 6pm. One of the many destinations and certainly a favourite place was the Clee Hills. There was a café, the quarry and even (shh!) a pub! There was also a railway of interest.

Michael Billings
One of my favourite haunts was Saturdays trip to Clee Hill. Walking up to Cherry Orchard to catch the Midland Red bus up to Clee Hill (X92 Kidderminster - Ludlow).
I used to get off by the old railway engine shed and climb up the slope past the quarry and head towards Titterstone Clee past the forked tree (Fancy remembering that). At Titterstone Clee i headed to the old quarry site which was full of water and was a blue green colour because of the minerals in the rocks. It was a fantastic walk with only sheep for company. The views were fantastic and it was back down to the village to catch the bus back to Cleobury in time for tea.

Trev Teasdel  I think we cycled up quite often, opening a can of beans with our pen knives and heating them for lunch over a makeshift fire. The quarry was fun and the views were great. There was an old cafe on the main road to get some coffee.

David Partridge We used to cycle to the bridge with two holes South of Cleobury near Neen Solars I think. The two holes must have been made for when the river was in flood but we used to sit in there and smoke!

Photo by Keith Ison

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