Friday, August 24, 2012

Sports Photos via Peter Dawson

Ex pupil Peter Dawson managed to negotiate permissions to copy the following photos from the Coventry Archives dept. for which we are thankful. The photos were taken on Peter's phone quickly but he hopes to get better versions later via a camera. Meanwhile, enjoy. I will replace these with the better versions as they come in and add any new ones Peter is able to get.

Peter Dawson the lad down on one knee i think is Danny Brooks

Peter Dawson - Tunisia i think.

Michael Breslin Mr Brian Petty (English and Rugby Teacher)
 Back Row: left to right Nick Watson, Russel Hemmings, Mr Gardner? Tony Dean, unknown, Mr Russel, Simon Hull.
Front row left to right: John Mckay, Mr Barrett, Tim Vince, Tom Sayer, unknown, John Kenny, Me is that Gardner next to you Mr Dawson? and then I have that guy in the back row wrong? 1974 or 75 school team.

Peter Dawson back row third from left is Paul Davis second from right back row Russell Thomas

Michael Breslin I'll give you Paul Davis and I should have put Mr Russell XXXX so I was close, good memory Pete c'mon what about the guy next to you?

Peter Dawson Cant think who that kid is i should know him both Mortimer. Could be Gerry Newbold

Michael Breslin Could be...

George Houguez - Back row left to right; Gary Russell, Dave Meacham, Dexter Lacey, don't know, don't know. Front row, Gallagher, Eddie Nelson, Ian Riggs, Paul Doyle, Craig Benfield

Trev Teasdel - Storer B/ Row last but one on right.

Peter Dawson Don't know the year, must be around 73

Peter Cobham possibly, cos I arrived in 74 and don't remember those style shirts for Dudley

Michael Breslin Who is the teacher? Must be 1972 Pete

Peter Cobham is that the back fence of the swimming pool? looks like it needs creosoting!

Peter Cobham I said Dudley, but there are Mortimer and Blount socks in there too


Michael Breslin Back row left to right: Andy Carrol, John Kenny, Rob Hunter, Mr Thomas, Gary Marks
Front row, left to right: Duncan Milne, John McKay, Satwant Banwait, Dave Rowlands Richard Bruce. School Cross Country team or Athletics....all of these were excellent runners so I may be wrong about that being Gary Marks

Dave Rowlands school athletics Mike Gary Marks was in it he done the shot

1950's with Headmaster Mr Morris on the left.

Michael Breslin - Back Ro Left to right: John McKay, Simon Hull, Unknown, Paul Fisher
Mid Row Paul Betts, Baz ? John Kenny, Tom Sayer
Front: Gavin De Miranda, unknown, unknown, how come I am not on that team? Must be cricket!

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